Thursday, October 10, 2013

A teal delight for day 10

Today I had actually got to hang out with with my oldest bestie in the world so I wore the goodie from the stash that I've been saving. She has seen me grow and has loved me through everything.
I got to wear my new shoes, the first pair of expensive shoes I've ever bought so day 10 was awesome. I was told at work that I looked like I'd stepped out of the 70s; I'll own that.
I got this dress from my partner's 'Auntie' Kooti. She is known as Kooti because she's Scottish and the Māori word for Scotsman is Kootimana (say it quick). I adore her, she talks more than me, she is fierce and loyal and family orientated and an old skool activist. She is also an amazing op shopper, in fact, her reputation is quite well known. I've never worn this dress but I'm definitely wearing it again.
This morning was so beautiful and sunny and on the way back in from taking the morning photo I tended to our wee veggie patch. Thanks to my wee sister for this booty shot. It really is the most amazing thing having herbs, lettuces and other treats within metres of your kitchen. To me, growing your own food is truly an expression of self-determination.

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