Monday, October 21, 2013

Short for Sunday.

I've got frocktober fatigue... finding time to take the pictures and write the dresses seems to be more difficult. This picture was taken late at night and it shows. I got this dress from Glassons for $15, it's merino, which was too hot for the day, has an interesting back and as you see, it's short, good for a Sunday.
For me Sundays have always been about family and friends and doing those things that make you happy. For me that is spending time with choice people. This Sunday I spent the afternoon with a cool young person I have the privilege to hang out with. Hanging with her makes me see the world differently. We spent the afternoon making the lamp in the background of this picture. It's beautiful.
In the background of this picture is Howard Broad, the former Police Commissioner, with a plant growing out of his head. I wish that he really did have a plant growing from his head. A plant of knowledge, culture, with roots that were deep in the land; a plant that grew flowers of children's faces that reminded him of October 15th and the children that he terrorised. A beautiful reminder that every time he got asked why he had a plant growing from his head he had to tell the story of the village he shut down and the families his officers terrorised.

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