This afternoon I found out a friend's father passed away this morning. Suddenly I was taken back to when I found out about my partner's father dieing.
I received a phone call from my partner unexpectedly, in a broken voice he just said, dad's dead, my dad died. I was instantly surrounded, bound tightly, by my collegues and in moments I dropped everything I was doing and went to be with my partner.
Within just a few hours we had packed, we had seen friends and family, we had taken time to be by ourselves quietly, together, and then we left to drive the long 8 hours to be with his father. Suddenly.
So often we say we don't have time to do this or that. But in that moment I dropped everything.
I was wearing my black dress with the zip that day and I wore it the day we buried my partner's father a few days later.
That gave me chills. Beautifully expressed.