Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Neetsy's Dress

Before I post today's dress I need to upload these pictures for my buddy in Brighton. The little sister took them late last night just before I went to bed (hence the teeth brushing). In this picture you can see the sleeve button things that I have to do up. I get annoyed by them so I undid them. Letting standards slip...
I love this picture below because it's the first picture I have ever seen where you can see my little blonde streak. When I was in intermediate I was waiting in line for a juicey or a cookie at the school canteen and some boy yelled out, "your going grey, look at her grey hair." It was the start of the little blonde patch at the back of my hair. I was so upset, I probably wasn't fussed about loosing my ginger hair as I was hassled mercilessly about my hair growing up, but I was upset that some boy had said I was going grey at 11. I couldn't ever imagine not having red hair.
It defines me.

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